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Chartered Management Academy

Welcome to the Chartered Management Academy (CMA)

The Chartered Management Academy (CMA), a recently founded certifying body that awards accreditation to institutions that exhibit excellent business teaching practices, show significant student learning results, and adhere to strategies for continuous improvement.  

To guarantee that students recieve the necessary skills from their selected development program, the CMA employs a student-centric teaching and learning method, with strong focus on digitally delivered programs.  The CMA accredited learning programs measure and certify the quality of student learning, accredited center outcomes and benefits to business partner recipients.

Apply for CMA Accreditation

Training providers looking to receive accreditation from the Chartered Management Academy (CMA) must demonstrate a high level of professionalism and commitment to quality education. This begins with the submission of an application and completion of a comprehensive questionnaire.

Once the application has been received, a CMA mentor will undertake a thorough review of the curriculum and assess the provider's self-study report. To gain accreditation, the training program must also pass an independent, external review process designed to evaluate its efficacy.

The CMA is dedicated to promoting business education programs that emphasize professionalism and maturity, and that employ tried-and-true research methodologies. The company places a strong emphasis on student learning outcomes and is committed to supporting the development of highly skilled and knowledgeable professionals.

Students who enrol in a CMA accredited program can benefit from the provider's commitment to excellence and its dedication to providing high-quality, student-centric education. By choosing a CMA approved program, students can be confident that they are receiving an education that meets the highest standards of quality and professionalism.

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"Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work."

Thomas Edison